Mena Revelo Ana Paula  

Narváez Calderón Paula Celina        

Tenén Yandún Ailin Jacied 



Thursday,  January 21th, 2021 


Animals: Horses were the first animal that man used to transport extremely heavy things. 


Carriages: They were used for family outings or simply to transported to other areas in the cityThe first animal carriage circulated around Guayaquil in 1873.


Buses: Its origin dated back to the 1930s, when the first urban transport buses arrived in the city, which became important with the closure of the tram lines a few years later.


Locomotive: It used to be one of the most important means of transportation. In 1873 the first trip made in Guayaquil between Yaguachi and Milagro.


Cars: In 1972, the first car was assembled in Ecuador. They were built with strong materials, that's why they were more resistant to crashes.


Bicycles: The wheels were of different sizes and did not have brakes or color. In 1817, they were considered as a public transportation by most of the population.


Buses:They can travel long distances and have modern and complete equipment. More than else, they use less fuel.

Airplane: In 1913, the first Ecuadorian airplane flew with a piston engine in the city of Guayaquil and until now we travel by plane to many cities and countries.

Electric motorcycles: Before, they used to be hydraulic, but with time they became electric.

Cars: Over time this begin a private or work transportation. For example, they are used for deliveries.


Bicycles: They stopped using steel as the main material for their creation, now they use carbon fibers. In addition, their weight also decreased.



In the past, people used to use the carriages to go from one place to another. With time, cars were invented; and now, we do not need horses to travel or commute. More than else, the locomotives used to transport heavy load or go to far cities; now, they are mainly considered for tourist purposes. The animals also used to be one of the main means of transportation before the locomotive was created. But if we talk about the cars, they used to be cleaner than those we have now; because their engine was different and they could only travel short distances. In addition, the bicycle that people used to ride was more uncomfortable than the ones we use now. Their seats were very small and the wheels, too.


Salazar J. (-). The history of the car made in Ecuador.  Recovered from:https://www.patiodeautos.com/general/la-historia-del-auto-hecho-en-ecuador/

Wikipedia. (December 11th, 2020). Carriage. Recovered from:https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carruaje

Arosemena J. (June 5th, 2018). The Alfaro railway connects the crossings of the Coast and the Sierra. Recovered from: https://www.ecuadortv.ec/tourism/noticias/farandula/costa-sierra- ferrocarril-eloy-alfaro

Expat.com. (August 19th, 2014). Recovered from: https://www.expat.com/es/guia/america-del-sur/ecuador/10932-medios-de-transporte-en-ecuador.html

Comercio. (August 31st, 2014). Recovered from: https://www.elcomercio.com/opinion/transporte-quito-opinion.html


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